
Channeled & Energised Artwork

Day 1 : One hour of 1-1 indepth discussion to understand the issues and the deepest blocks a person has.

Day 2 : Making of the artwork incorporating sacred symbols, sigils for deeper healings. The artwork is then energised with mantras for faster and deeper healings.

Day 3 : Sharing the channeled energised artworks with the client along with the channeled messages/remedies.

The artwork will be made using Photoshop and Al. The digital file will be shared with the client. The client can either keep it on their phone or take a print and frame it where they can view it clearly.

The artwork when energised with powerful sacred symbols/sigils/mantras works on the subconscious mind and helps to remove the deep blocks with regards to health, wealth, happiness, love and various other spheres of life thus facilitating healings.